# States

# /states

# Request

GET https://api.corona-zahlen.org/states Open

# Response

    "source":"Robert Koch-Institut",
    "contact":"Marlon Lueckert ([email protected])",

# /states/:state

Returns the data for a single :state state.

# Request

GET https://api.corona-zahlen.org/states/HH Open

Parameter Description
:state State abbreviation

# Response

  "data": {
    "HH": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Hamburg",
      "population": 1847253,
      "cases": 37535,
      "deaths": 661,
      "casesPerWeek": 2027,
      "deathsPerWeek": 2,
      "recovered": 27864,
      "abbreviation": "HH",
      "weekIncidence": 109.73050253538634,
      "casesPer100k": 2031.9360693960166,
      "delta": {
        "cases": 0,
        "deaths": 0,
        "recovered": 350
  "meta": {
    "source": "Robert Koch-Institut",
    "contact": "Marlon Lueckert ([email protected])",
    "info": "https://github.com/marlon360/rki-covid-api",
    "lastUpdate": "2021-01-04T00:00:00.000Z",
    "lastCheckedForUpdate": "2021-01-04T13:49:21.375Z"

# /states/history

Redirects to /states/history/cases

# /states/history/cases

# /states/history/cases/:days

# /states/history/incidence

# /states/history/incidence/:days

# /states/history/frozen-incidence

# /states/history/frozen-incidence/:days

# Request

GET https://api.corona-zahlen.org/states/history/frozen-incidence/7 Open


Parameter Description
:days Number of days in the past from today

# /states/history/deaths

# /states/history/deaths/:days

# /states/history/recovered

# /states/history/recovered/:days

# /states/history/hospitalization

# /states/history/hospitalization/:days

# Request

GET https://api.corona-zahlen.org/states/history/hospitalization/7 Open


Parameter Description
:days Number of days in the past from today

# Response

cases7Days updated number of hospitalization cases of the last 7 days.

incidence7Days updated 7 day incidence of hospitalization.

date publishing date of all values.

Since 2021-03-09 the RKI is publisching adjusted (predicted) values for cases7Days and incidence7Days. If these values ​​are available, they are output below. These values are unavailable bevor 2021-03-09 and for the last 3 days.

fixedCases7Days the number of 7 day cases witch is published at date first (fixed, that will never change!).

updatedCases7Days the today updated number of 7 day cases and the same as cases7Days.

adjustedLowerCases7Days the 95% lower limit adjusted (predicted) number of 7 day cases.

adjustedCases7Days the adjusted (predicted) number of 7 day cases.

adjustedUpperCases7Days the 95% upper limit adjusted (predicted) number of 7 day cases.

fixedIncidence7Days the 7 day incidence witch is published at date first (fixed, that will never change!).

updatedIncidence7Days the today updated 7 day incidence and the same as incidence7Days.

adjustedLowerIncidence7Days the 95% lower limit adjusted (predicted) 7 day incidence.

adjustedIncidence7Days the adjusted (predicted) 7 day incidence.

adjustedUpperIncidence7Days the 95% upper limit adjusted (predicted) 7 day incidence.

    "source":"Robert Koch-Institut",
    "contact":"Marlon Lueckert ([email protected])",

# /states/age-groups

# Request

GET https://api.corona-zahlen.org/states/age-groups Open

# Response

  "data": {
    "SH": {
      "A00-A04": {
        "casesMale": 1368,
        "casesFemale": 1305,
        "deathsMale": 0,
        "deathsFemale": 1,
        "casesMalePer100k": 2061.7,
        "casesFemalePer100k": 2064,
        "deathsMalePer100k": 0,
        "deathsFemalePer100k": 1.6,
        "hospitalization": {
          "cases7Days": 1,
          "incidence7Days": 1,
          "date": "2021-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"
      "A05-A14": {
        "casesMale": 4448,
        "casesFemale": 4148,
        "deathsMale": 0,
        "deathsFemale": 0,
        "casesMalePer100k": 3321.9,
        "casesFemalePer100k": 3267.1,
        "deathsMalePer100k": 0,
        "deathsFemalePer100k": 0,
        "hospitalization": {
          "cases7Days": 5,
          "incidence7Days": 5,
          "date": "2021-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"
      "A15-A34": {
        // ...
      "A35-A59": {
        // ...
      "A60-A79": {
        // ...
      "A80+": {
        // ...
    // ...
    "TH": {
      "A00-A04": {
        "casesMale": 1680,
        "casesFemale": 1625,
        "deathsMale": 0,
        "deathsFemale": 0,
        "casesMalePer100k": 3752.2,
        "casesFemalePer100k": 3788.4,
        "deathsMalePer100k": 0,
        "deathsFemalePer100k": 0,
        "hospitalization": {
          "cases7Days": 2,
          "incidence7Days": 2,
          "date": "2021-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"
      // ...
  "meta": {
    "source": "Robert Koch-Institut",
    "contact": "Marlon Lueckert ([email protected])",
    "info": "https://github.com/marlon360/rki-covid-api",
    "lastUpdate": "2021-05-04T01:09:15.000Z",
    "lastCheckedForUpdate": "2021-05-04T20:42:11.340Z"

# /states/:state/history/cases

# /states/:state/history/cases/:days

# /states/:state/history/incidence

# /states/:state/history/incidence/:days

# /states/:state/history/frozen-incidence

# /states/:state/history/frozen-incidence/:days

# Request

GET https://api.corona-zahlen.org/states/HH/history/frozen-incidence/7 Open


Parameter Description
:days Number of days in the past from today
:states Abbreviation of the state

# /states/:state/history/deaths

# /states/:state/history/deaths/:days

# /states/:state/history/recovered

# /states/:state/history/recovered/:days

# /states/:state/history/hospitalization

# /states/:state/history/hospitalization/:days

# /states/:state/age-groups

# Request

GET https://api.corona-zahlen.org/states/HH/age-groups Open

# Response

  "data": {
    "HH": {
      "A00-A04": {
        "casesMale": 1603,
        "casesFemale": 1316,
        "deathsMale": 0,
        "deathsFemale": 0,
        "casesMalePer100k": 3146.5,
        "casesFemalePer100k": 2719.9,
        "deathsMalePer100k": 0,
        "deathsFemalePer100k": 0,
        "hospitalization": {
          "cases7Days": 1,
          "incidence7Days": 1,
          "date": "2021-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"
      "A05-A14": {
        "casesMale": 4985,
        "casesFemale": 4594,
        "deathsMale": 0,
        "deathsFemale": 0,
        "casesMalePer100k": 5786.6,
        "casesFemalePer100k": 5663.1,
        "deathsMalePer100k": 0,
        "deathsFemalePer100k": 0,
        "hospitalization": {
          "cases7Days": 2,
          "incidence7Days": 2,
          "date": "2021-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"
      "A15-A34": {
        // ...
      "A35-A59": {
        // ...
      "A60-A79": {
        // ...
      "A80+": {
        // ...
  "meta": {
    "source": "Robert Koch-Institut",
    "contact": "Marlon Lueckert ([email protected])",
    "info": "https://github.com/marlon360/rki-covid-api",
    "lastUpdate": "2021-05-04T01:09:15.000Z",
    "lastCheckedForUpdate": "2021-05-04T20:45:46.210Z"